RFID ProSolutions Canada is the RFID technology consulting and engineering, a leading provider, American RFID Solutions is recognized as the industry's RFID hardware manufacturer and solutions provider, recently announced a strategic cooperation agreement for sale. Sales targets TES (Trusted eSentry Security-reliable electronic security checkpoint), which is Canada's first innovative biological facial recognition system.
TES is a bio-security RFID systems, coupled with the adoption of face recognition HF or UHF RFID technology (card access control), automatic identification of individuals.
American RFID Solutions founder of the company's CEO Harold Clampitt said: "The identity cards for access control management has had a long history, with the addition of a unique biometric technology, we have put security requirements to a new level. This security technology can be used On the protection of confidential information, protection of valuables, sensitive areas to meet demand. "
RFID ProSolutions the company's president Andre Lacaille said: "The thing about this system is no central database, or information likely to be copied or stolen from the accident. This is a need to leave the fingerprint security system is designed to leave evidence It is achieved through physical contact, so that fingerprints can copy and use information. "
TES system in the United States earlier this year in Las Vegas at the RFID Journal Awards Award of the General Assembly was the top Best in Show (Best Awards show), read 99.999999 percent accuracy rate, so that the system has become the world's most reliable security The systems in the world. The system can work independently, or through the Web interface with the existing system, a safer security environment.
RFID ProSolutions the company's executive vice president of Jebb Nucci said: "very happy to be able to introduce the system to Canada's security agencies and systems integrators. At the same time, our solution is an important supplement to the sales catalog."
About RFID ProSolutions
RFID ProSolutions is a division of ProAction Management Group, the service will cover the needs analysis, process design, solution selection and development, implementation and support of the management change, and so on. Companies specializing in RFID technology, project management, customer demand for them to provide the best products and innovative solutions to meet customer business needs.
American RFID Solutions, Inc.
American RFID Solutions is a Trusted eSentry Security System, TrackStar and eDOTS system developers, the company contracted to provide services, advice and product launches. Services, including active, passive RFID, real-time positioning system, near-field far-field RFID technology. Company Web site: www.americanRFIDsolutions.com