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10 types of automatic identification technology will promote the development of the technology suppl

Release time:2008.08.20 News sources:Chinese bar code on-line Views:
With the growing global economic integration, supply chain has become an international economic and trade activities necessary to support links, and the recent rapid development of technology has made supply chain efficiency has been greatly improved supply chain, such as a field service providers, combined with the use of mobile computing, printing And the Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, and so on, the staff of each team 40 minutes a day can save hours. U.S. Intermec Inc. (Intermec Inc. NYSE-"IN") all over the world with its thousands of customers, industry analysts, researchers, IT industry and solution provider partners, such as in-depth exchange, that the following 10 Technology in 2007 and 2008 will drive the development of the industry supply chain:
1, all-connect technology
In recent years, a variety of wireless technology to connect springing up like this local area network, including personal use of Bluetooth, 802.11 wireless local area network to support voice and data communications, cellular wireless wide area network, such as, in their supply chain in the field of application of the latest trend in convergence is the same type of equipment , Which offers a wide range of wireless communications services to users, as well as related IT managers to facilitate.

2, voice and GPS technology
Another supply chain program is the development trend of hand-held computer combines the GPS functions and voice communications, so that it can support data collection, data communications and mobile communications, Intermec's CN3 is a typical example. With the wide-area wireless communications coverage (including GPRS, GSM, CDMA, etc.) become more extensive and communications prices continue to drop, more and more companies can afford to use real-time data access system costs and improve supply chain efficiency.

3, speech recognition
Voice recognition technology allows users of hand-held computer monitor screen without distraction, in the IT industry to promote open systems and interoperability of the tide, the current voice synthesis / recognition has been able to integrate easily in a variety of the old supply-chain applications Software, including warehouse management, delivery and storage, inventory, testing, quality control, and so on, this is conducive to a terminal emulation (TE) speech recognition technology is available.

According to a high-volume distribution center's research shows that the use of bar code data entry accuracy than the traditional method of high-technology voice of 5% (99% for the former; the latter 95%), but more needs to deal with the use of bar code 26 full-time workers. If the combination bar code and TE speech recognition technology, the accuracy and very simple to use bar code technology, but the use of 22 full-time workers.

4, Digital Imaging
Enterprise mobile computer also has added digital imaging technology, transport and distribution, many companies have integrated the use of a digital camera mobile computer, making their delivery driver to collect proof of completion of the distribution, storage invoices have been sealed and can not be completed Delivery of the reasons for the record.

5, portable printing
At present, mobile printers print industry is the fastest growth. Sales, service delivery and the use of portable equipment can print customers to submit the required documents, at the same time immediately set up an electronic record of the document without further processing of paper documents. In the industrial environment, the use of portable printing devices, workers can be saved to print a label extraction center, bills of lading and other paper printout.

6, two-dimensional bar code
Two-dimensional bar code has the approval of the benefits of the market, but because of the use of a different environment would lead to some identification difficult to read, so its extensive or to be further enhanced. However, with autofocus technology is available, two-dimensional bar code has gradually become the management of items, track operators and other technical support mainstream work.

Most of the agencies need to use a different bar code applications to deal with a wide range of logo, as well as the size of coding data. For example, for use in the warehouse shelf labels, the use of large-size logo Linear Technology is better. For the shipment of goods with labels, bar code label area of 102 mm was used specifications. Due to carry two separate bar-code reader is not practical, many institutions give up the use of two-dimensional bar code, only the use of general linear bar code.

Now users do not have to make trade-offs. For example, Intermec's EX25 auto-focus scan engine is first able to read two-dimensional bar codes and linear bar code reader that can scan in any direction from 152 mm to 15 meters of the bar code. Lighting technology for the further development of bar code made in the past can not be read in the dark can also be used.

RFID applications are becoming increasingly popular in asset management and supply chain can play in the field of value is particularly evident, for example, the U.S. Navy in a mission-critical storage management to support the use of RFID data entry, saving time for the operation of 98%. TNT Logistics Department to use RFID to automatically record load in a trailer on goods required for the ratification process to save time by 24%.

RFID in the inventory, storage and distribution operations in the application of the new model is the use of RFID on-board equipment and other mobile RFID reader, used to enhance or replace traditional fixed RFID devices.

8, real-time location system (RTLS)
RTLS wireless local area network can be extended to asset tracking system, in which a very large market, Cisco Systems is the driving force of the Wireless Location Appliance (wireless positioning equipment), which can be Cisco's wireless local area network for tracking assets, and any wireless LAN-connected device can be tracked and positioning. One is through the application of on-board computer to track the frequency of the forklift. Wireless location equipment and software to support real-time positioning of the pursuit of radio frequency, high-performance storage support, routing, data collection productivity and asset utilization analysis of the operation, and so on.

9, remote management
To track the use of wireless local area network and storage assets of the plant is an example of the long-range management, in fact, long-range management of a wide range of applications, including printers and bar code readers, RFID equipment, rugged computer and other industrial equipment, data acquisition and communication equipment Configure, monitor and repair the problem, and so on. A substantial reduction in the supply chain management of equipment time and cost.

10, security measures
Increased security to support the supply chain is another major technology trends and business needs. For example, for the mobile computer can be locked, so even if the device is lost or stolen, the guest information and other data will not be stealing other people. Wireless computers and data acquisition devices also support a number of leading enterprise-class wireless network with security measures, including 802.11i, 802.1x, WPA, WPA2, LEAP, FIPS-140, RADIUS servers and VPNs, and so on. Support for Cisco Compatible Extensions (CCX) wireless data acquisition devices can be integrated into the Cisco Integrated Wireless Network, has been its management, reliability and security features support, including hackers and trouble wireless access points (rogue access point) detection , Encryption and authentication, integrated firewall and so on