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Power Enterprise Attendance Management System Design and Application

Release time:2006.09.23 News sources:RFID (China) information technolege Co., Ltd Views:
Recalling China's power industry, information technology course, the power of information technology in the construction business, production, operation and management in areas such as widely used, has become a power in their business activities in support of an important means. With the separation plant network, the reorganization of assets, bidding, regional networking and a series of reform measures to promote, together with the recent nationwide "shortage", making substantial investments to enter the field of electricity, information technology has brought electricity demand The volume has increased significantly. In recent years, "actively carry out information technology to reduce operating costs and improve operational efficiency, improve management and enhance market competitiveness," people have the idea.
     At the same time, China's accession to the WTO is facing the gradual opening up of the electricity market l11 countries, the monopoly control by gradually opening up and deregulation. In early 2002, the power to finalize the basic structural reform program is also a sign of a new round of the electricity system reform to start full-Li, leading to the current power companies not only pay attention to social benefits, but also pay attention to economic efficiency. Now the power industry is still in business and promote the reform, a demand for information technology, IT technology and management also continues to introduce new ideas. Information technology to solve these problems as an effective way in the power industry has reached a consensus that some power companies and even the "information technology" as a matter of business strategy. In the new environment for the development of electric power, the power of Enterprise Information Pro-Li with a series of questions: how to promote the power of enterprise informatization? How electricity planning IT business? How to build a harmonious power of the enterprise IT environment.

     1 Introduction

     In the computer management began in 1954, when the first U.S. computer processing payroll. For more than 40 years, computer information management in dealing with well-developed. In today's globalized business environment towel, with the development of information technology, the Internet has entered the field of business information management, information technology, the importance of widely accepted. At present, the United States and other developed countries has been the introduction of information technology, power production, management and other areas, the establishment of an Internet, information technology based on a new strategic competition in the electricity business in the West l) l successful application and development And business is increasingly becoming a source of competitive advantage. In fact, at home, the information system in the power industry has also been true of a wide range of applications, many of the departments or business information systems to its growing dependence on information systems in the combined operation of the business risks, benefits and opportunities, making information Enterprise management technology has become more and more critical. At the same time, through the extensive application of information technology, the power companies to speed up the process of informatization, has always been to the more traditional or conservative power enterprises have brought a whole new way of strategic thinking.

     With the continuous expansion of the electricity business, the company's more and more staff in order to ensure the steady development of enterprises, it is necessary to have a good enterprise management system. As a business management system is an important aspect of attendance management system in modern society, more and more attention. Now for the attendance of hardware, from attendance to the punch card machines and fingerprint machines, have developed rapidly, attendance-related data collection has become more and more simple. Now the power of large enterprises are facing the biggest problem on the one hand, for data processing, according to a person in charge of attendance data to manually calculate, for a variety of aggregate data, so that the workload of the personnel department is responsible for a large, cumbersome procedures, but also very Easily go wrong. On the other hand, a large number of employees to take leave or inquiries often bring their own work card (work, or work permit), and then find the people responsible for a series of work can be achieved. This Web-based design of the power management system for enterprise attendance can be collected on the attendance of automated information processing, statistics related to absenteeism, overtime, and other information, can also be related to staff attendance statistics aspects of reward and punishment, other employees can query the network To their own information related to attendance and leave online. Web-based design of the power of enterprise systems management attendance B / S mode architecture, c # used as a front-end development tools, back-end database is used SQLServer2000.

     2, development tools and network system

     Power companies checking system is used as the c # development language, c # by the Microsoft Corporation to develop a new programming language. Because it is c + + and C in derived, and therefore has a c + +. c # programming language represents a new phase in the evolution of its inherited c + + and Java both the world's most important advantages of computer language, and also refers to the increase in generation, and other innovative characteristics of the index.

     The more common network architecture are C / S and B / S two. The present system uses a network system for the structure of the B / S model. B, s structure (Browser / Server structure) that the browser and server architecture. It is with the rise of Internet technology, C / S structure of a change or improve the structure. In this structure, user interface work through the browser to www achieved very little in the front part of the logic Affairs (Browser) to achieve, but the main logic in the server-side (Server) to achieve, the formation of the so-called three-tier 3-tier structure. This greatly simplifies the client computer loads, reduce the maintenance and upgrade costs and the workload and reduces the overall cost of the user (TCO). The current technology, the establishment of local area network B / S structure of Web applications through Internet / Intranet database application mode, relatively easy-to-grasp, the cost is lower. It is a place of the one-time F-fat, to achieve a different staff from different locations, different access and access to a common database operations, effective protection of data access and management platforms, database servers are safe.

     3 Data Sheet

     Power companies checking system is used in database management system software for SQL server2000. It is - a relational database, with a wealth of programming interfaces to support multi-threaded operation safe. First set up, called SQL Server admin, and create a database known as the "ad''. Database in the towel set, by setting the main achievement of physical integrity of the code, set up outside the code in the light of the realization of integrity. The following is a table of the main database towel and Its attributes:

     (1) the user table. yh [yghchar (8), jb char (1), mm char (8)] as the main code zgh. yh: D members, each have a staff of employees, but also unique. The user level, mm: passwords for employees. The table is used to the system registry to verify the identity of the officer. Main code for yh.
     (2) Table sector. Bm [bm char (3), bmm char (20)] is easy to remember using the code plus the order code. bm 000 for the sector. The table is a table of information sector, the main code for bm, bm is a table outside the Jbxx code.
     (3) staff basic information table. Jbxx [yghchar (6), bmhchar (3), xmchar (8)], csny, Yg number for workers to form the code for the sector level D + coding sequence code, such as an employee of the Department of Accounting ki1001, code-based, and is Yg Yh table outside the user's code.
     (4) reward and punishment set up information tables. Jf [jb char (1), money], this is the main consideration for different levels of staff such as managers, sales per unit of time, such as absenteeism by deducting the amount of overtime and added the amount of the allowance set.
     (5) attendance sheet information. Kq (yghchar (8), dtdatatime, zlchar (1), sjd numeric (5.2)), the table is the main storage of the special attendance, including staff, time period, type (or absenteeism overtime) and the length of time . In the database used to store and view the process.

     4 main functions of the system design

     (1) log on the system: the use of staff must be able to verify the password into the system, the system logged-on user name, rank, binding code in the database table yh. In order to the security system, set up related to the management level or a different set of permissions. Be divided into four administrators: 0 for super-administrator, it has all the permissions system, including personnel system settings and audit data, modify data and other rights; 1 for senior management, manager for the main-level managers Use, possession query information across the enterprise attendance of authority; 2 administrator for the department, is responsible for uploading the daily attendance data and extracting information to the database overtime absenteeism, staff leave the department in charge of examination and approval work of uploading; 3 for the general Employees, according to its own employees to staff its own inquiries and password information related to attendance, but also can be off-line. In addition to the 0 administrators, other staff have not changed the authority uploading of attendance information.
     (2) management system: the main system, including personnel management and data backup in two ways. The main part of the management system is to increase to delete or change user login and password-level operation, and so on. Database management in a very important part of the data to back up the system for security considerations, the damage can be resumed after the data, as far as possible draft [nj loss. So
This module added to the backup data. As long as the implementation of the database administrator to back up the path to choose output.
     (3) set of information: including a (set of basic information staff) to increase the basic information to delete b, and personnel-related information in different posts and positions of the department to change C, plus the deduction of basic information to set , For workers at different levels of overtime pay and absenteeism deduction of the set, according to the actual situation of the main set as the basis for attendance behind. The main function is to consider the actual situation of large enterprises. We should establish and improve the management system, it is necessary to carry out strict management. Staff basic information about the operation of the main trade unions in the light of the entry or retired, but the situation is out of the personnel of different positions such as managers, general staff, and so their wages or other information about the effects of different settings, such as the increase Deduction.
     (4) to deal with attendance: attendance is setting the time and attendance, as well as import of attendance to deal with the situation. Setting attendance is to determine the time or overtime work absenteeism or late, and so on the basis of, for example, are not set by time frame that is to go to work overtime. The system of data collection using hardware attendance came to the excel format, attendance data, to head the departments of the day, attendance data into the system, extract the special circumstances, such as staff absenteeism, overtime, and other data uploaded to the server, when the data submitted after the Departmental managers have no right to amend the upload data.
     (5) leave of absence to deal with: the main departments, including staff leave and staff approval upload server functions, staff sign-on system, the choice of "leave" the system to issue a request for leave, the department confirmed that in response to examination and approval, and to leave information submitted to the staff leave Server.
     (6) data collection: the staff is working overtime to take leave of absence summary information, including oral summary of attendance, attendance on sum, in attendance and summed up on summarize Kougong Zi added. Before the latter part of the work is the result of the department is to upload the data to sum up the calculation, the company's development of the situation often based on the analysis of these data in decision-making.
     (7) print statements: summing up the attendance of print, such as table summary of attendance on a monthly summary of attendance sheet, the department attendance, and so on.
     (8) data query: This module is there for the same level of data query, can be found at all levels of attendance-related information. For example, if the head is, you can see that all sectors of attendance information, but if they are ordinary employees can only be found in their attendance situation.

     5 Conclusion

     With the attendance of hardware development, a good performance appraisal management software is becoming increasingly important. This article is based on B / S mode of attendance management information system and give full play to the B / S architecture of the advantages of dealing with fast response and can handle a variety of information on attendance and staff to provide a convenient on-line query and Leave, and other functions. After running the test results.