Product name:Dangerous goods of special electronic label
Product No.:XAFD-40023
Product type:XAFD-8605
Market price:1yuan/1 Wholesale prices:1yuan/1
Production unit:RFID (China) information technolege Co., Ltd
Operating frequency:915M
Operating temperature: -10℃ -75 ℃
Recognition distance: 0.5M-1M
Storage capacity:96/512bit
Support protocol: ISO/IEC18000-6C
Dimensions: 55*Ф3.5mm
Packaging materials: natural rubber
Scope: used for special dangerous goods industry product tracking
The most basic RFID system consists of three parts: label ( Tag ): by coupling components and chips, each label is the only electronic encoding, logo attached to the target object; reader ( Reader ): read ( sometimes also written ) label information equipment, can be designed to be hand-held or stationary; antenna ( Antenna ): in the RF signal transmission between tag and reader.