Product name:12DBI线极化RFID超高频天线
Product No.:XAFD-20004
Product type:XAFD900V1240D2
Market price:1
Production unit:RFID (China) information technolege Co., Ltd
The free service hotline:13991309313
Model: XAFD900V1240D2
Half power angle:39 °
Voltage≤ 1.3in Bobbi
Front ratio≥ 28
Maximum power:100W
Impedance:50 ohms
Polarization mode: V/H
Lightning: DC grounding
Connector: N -female
Radome: ABS
Size: 450x 450 x40mm
Maximum resistance to wind:60 m/s
Weight: 2kg
Temperature: -40°+70 °
Xi'an Afadi circularly polarized UHF RFID antenna can one-time read multiple tags, penetrating strong, can be repeatedly read and write, the data memory capacity big, passive electronic label of low cost, small volume, convenient use, reliability and life of higher characteristic, get the attention of world each country